You know what HO, I’ve about had it with you and all constant crying. You complain so much over time we’ve even had to put a page on the website dedicated strictly for you to bitch about other players. You ask a question, we give you an answer, but no matter what answer we give you it’s never enough. Every morning Ruk and myself watch you call everyone on the server a hacker and then start the most ridiculous vote bans. The other day you tried to vote ban a player that had 40% more deaths than kills but you were convinced he was hacking because your magic hit markers didn’t kill him. So when that didn’t work you reported him. By the way who the fuck are you reporting it too. Should the admins be aware of some internet bf3 police, will we soon see players on the server being taken away by deputized EOD bots. Will MAV’s be randomly flying around the map with Police on the side. OMG it’s a fucken game if you don’t like it here then go pay World of Warcraft. Your done!!