Quote Originally Posted by General_zesus View Post

I'll be honest, i am completely new to the PC world compared to everyone else here. I built my PC about a little under a year ago after saving paycheck after paycheck. I'm in my third year of college studying computer science and I work in their IT department. Now I have devoted this next year income to complete the build. And yes I am that guy who has torn up shoes and faded t shirts. And sometimes goes hungry to save a couple bucks for the me build.

I have no other experience in playing any fps games, because i could never afford it. XN took my fps virginity lol. I chose Bf3 for the game, but I stayed for the people.


P.S. I love C4, and I hate claymores.
Hi Zeus! Good to see you on here!! I'm selling my EVGA 780 if you're interested, but you're probably not since I've already posted it on battlelog and you've likely seen that post. I also have it posted at work.

P.S. Cash only...no drugs accepted, lol!! =p

BF3 is also my first fps!!