Quote Originally Posted by 2Rukus View Post
Nade limit is the same for both sides. Not sure how turning explosive limits on is considered admin abuse.
Your 2nd point(next game) is not accurate either. LLNZ was not the only admin in the that round on your team. There was 2 admins on the US team that round. You must have been to upset from the nade limit the round before to see that.
We do try to balance the rounds when we can. As you can see from our W/L ratios we constantly switch to the losing teams to help. Most players, like yourself , mainly care about winning, which is fine. You can play the game the way you want.
I just don't see how limiting nades would be considered admin abuse.

The last point you made.

You can expect the admins to continue switching to the losing teams and turning on nade limit from time-to-time.

The particular game in question, LLNZ was the only one on my team. You might be thinking of the next map when Chi1ag07 joined, on my team.

As i stated in my last post, my biggest concern is to make a fair game and a COMPETITIVE GAME for all. Only thing I would care about, regarding winning is being able to win 50 percent of my games, thus giving others 50%, which, as you see, I have, or darn close. But what I don't agree with is that you made it go from one side winning by a reasonably large margin, to the opposite side winning, with a ticket balance go from +300 for RU to -134 for RU, do to your actions. Was that game competitive. In my book, yes, but that only applies to me, and to how hard i pushed to keep the damage from being catastrophic to our team. However, as you would look by the stats on the server, the same team kept winning time after time and having advantages such as fighting positions and getting flags because of your actions.

As I said, and as Benis would know, as he has already heard before, several times from me in the past, I don't care for a =/- margin of over 500 points. If we cant get within that, then one team is getting clownstomped. When one team is clownstomped, and has a -500 ticket margin, then I can almost guarantee you that almost every time that happens, they are pushed back to their main and spawncamped to no end. Yesterday, that second game where Ch1cag07 joined, we lost by 625 tickets. In that game, we never got any assistance via nade limit, or by anyone switching. This contradicts what you just posted about helping. You were in the game, as well as Benis, yet the whole game the US team was behind on points, to the point that they lost by 625 tickets and even lost C a couple of times. No one came to the rescue.

At this point, I am going to guess that you will say....we had LLNZ and Ch1cag07 on our team, and that would be enough to balance it out. Well, as the server report says, it did not.

I welcome the continuation of switching to the losing team and turning on nade limit, as long as it is uniformly applied to ALL GAMES, not just ones you pick.