Thank you Nelson for the update.

I'd like to thank you, Rukus, byCarlsJr, and benis for the tireless work you've all put in to keep this server up and running over the last couple of months. I know benis especially has been spending a lot of time dealing with these assholes and less time playing the game. I know this sucks for him, but I hope he knows how much myself and I'm sure many others appreciate his work.

There are also a handful of new "junior" admins that have been doing a great job helping to populate the server when the player count is low, as well as keeping all the player's spirits high and even attracting some people who have never played on the server before. I'd like to thank these folks as well.

Another one of the more positive things I've noticed lately is that the ratio of close games to blowouts has started to even out. I think this has made playing on the server even more enjoyable than it already was.

To summarize, even though we've had to deal with these "server-crashing incels" lately, I think it's clear that XtremeNoobs 24/7 Metro is here to stay and the XN platoon and all of our regular players aren't going anywhere.

Lastly, NewspaperNelson recently accused me of cheating...