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Thread: Switching team

  1. #1

    Switching team

    There are many great players who always assist weak team.

    fnbenis, 1American_Swine..etc

    They are true hero.

    But we can see some opposite players who always switch to better team.

    Deadly_Pew_Pew, Damn_You_Dead, and ...

    I simply think that they don't love BF. They feel selfish.....

    Exactly they can get good Win/Lose ratio and K/D ratio, forexample, look at Deadly's W/L ratio, 235%.

    They have many technical good idea , but ....

    But I don't hope these behaviors as "dark heros"

    I noticed his behaving today.
    Last edited by sasaken; 12-31-2019 at 07:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Most of the time , I told myself fight for one side til the end .
    Sadly , throught the votekick and voteban , we can see that more than 50% players hide the dialog .
    We're playing a teamwork game .
    And half players dont want conversation .
    with that , you can only try to play for fun .
    Orelse , what can you do ??

    Sometimes i play RU team whole round ,
    Sometimes i play USA team whole round ,
    Sometimes with my pushing i noticed and mention my team that enemies is active and keep pushing .
    our 2 flags are not enough , it's 3 flags or zero flags .
    My team denied . So i switch to opposite team and prove it . And most the time , i reach to enemies base first and bring the comeback .

    To Sasaken , hide as a beacon is good .
    you do offer fat chance for comeback .
    but our finger is busy for fighting , and you finger busy for typing .
    its not easy to keep capture and keep holding A in our hand.
    Have to swith between 4 classes .
    Have to hide ammo box , have to hide first aid ,
    once i die consider and switch to M320 to attack the crowd then,
    once i die consider and switch to M320 smoke to run/hide then.
    put down the trees if i can ,
    remove the bushes if ican ,
    break the windows for next escaping
    break the bars or train's door for next rush if i can ,
    hide the beacon , get new beacon and hide it again,
    predition enemies' spawn and try to avoid/kill them .
    Even do some fake moves to lie to his kill cam .
    that's why i mention you be more active many times before .

    with your case about the perfect corner, we can see Its not that easy to guide a team .
    So if a team is really really not active .
    Don't fool around with them .
    try to guide them in dialog , they won't hear you .
    but if you active and keep killing your last team , they might start to thinking how to be more active next time.
    its cruel and it's the truth .

    we have afk players problem , unbalance problem .
    so dont put too much ideal on our shoulder .
    guide a team as you can or play for fun as you can if you tired out about guiding .

    Compare to the things have to do in game between you and me .
    I am sorry but I have to say you played like a back seat driver .
    I do search and kill
    I do rush and capture
    You do hide and type only
    Since I cant make you become more active
    Its same that i can't make my team active if they dont want to .
    So dont judge me as team switcher , thx .
    Last edited by Deadly_PewPew; 01-01-2020 at 03:30 AM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member AetherMetal's Avatar
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    Oct 2018
    Argentina, B flag
    Both of you are good players, and I never saw you "switch-whoring", there is a couple of users that keep switching all day long to the winning team, but I know that is not the case with you two. Another reason to say that is because I never switch, just at the beginning (and it happen less than never) of the match if some lads want me to share the squad of the opposing team.

    I think this post should not exceed what is already. Let's drink together tonight folks (If I¡'m still alive) 8)
    -||Darkness, melancholy and nostalgic ruins remain near a desolated galaxy||-

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