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Thread: Cheater

  1. #1


    Hi admin guys, Super_Kaaiju has been banned more than once before and he now has a new account TheMadGoatKing and is as sus as before FYI

  2. #2
    I banned him.

  3. #3
    TheMadGoatKing is a pretty good player (ownz my ass on Aussie servers a lot) and his stats aren't exactly suss.. Killing people with an AEK at a high rate when you can aim isn't exactly unheard of tbh.
    I will also add that this guy isn't my friend nor do I have any reason other than wanting to do the right thing here for why I'm commenting at all. (being a cocky asshat with aim shouldn't really be a reason to be banned as a cheater)

  4. #4
    Not all bans are based on cheating.
    If players constantly keep disrupting the server they will be banned as well.


  5. #5
    OMG you banned madgoat!!! What is wrong with goat, taste good in Indian food.

  6. #6
    It's Australian Goat though so tastes a bit convicty / ninjaish

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