View Full Version : Ban Story
02-12-2016, 06:34 PM
Today I was playing on XtremeNoobs 24/7 Metro 1200 Tic -64P- in bf3. I was looking at the chat to see a player named FDG Rasta asking me where my turban is. This is clearly a racists remark and it happened out of the blue while I was playing today. 2/12/2016. I then proceeded to tell him he was racists, as he kept going this made me very upset and his team mates started joining in and supporting him. Shortly after about ten minutes of harassment of us going back and fourth I was banned, due to being a disruptive player. But was I suppose to sit there and take this? I dont understand. I am in Chicago and this sever I really enjoy because I get great gaming experience but this incident has ruined that. I would like my ban appealed even if I am to play with a mute as a punishment.
In Game Name: SikhSoldjaa
Ban reason: Distributive Player
Date of the ban: 2/12/2016
02-12-2016, 08:10 PM
Not sure what happened on this ban or who banned you.
The admins will discuss it and we'll get back to ya.
02-12-2016, 09:57 PM
SikhSoldjaa - US Army - Charlie > who cares you polack
SikhSoldjaa > you think becuase some rasta spick has a mouth we will be scared
[17:09:34] FDB_Rasta > IDGAF ABOUT BRITAIN
[17:09:37] SnK-VeccZyy - US Army > rev?
[17:09:46] SikhSoldjaa > dumass hitler saulated us
[17:09:56] 666JoJo666 > HEIL
[17:09:57] SikhSoldjaa > its in our blood we are soldiers
[17:10:03] SikhSoldjaa > now go cut some grass
SikhSoldjaa > you both must be mexicans
Let me guess your just misunderstood. The ban will stay.
02-12-2016, 10:28 PM
tell me something admin, was i just suppose to take his shit? the first person to start shit should be banned not me
02-12-2016, 10:29 PM
for the record my mom is mexican and my dad is sikh.
02-12-2016, 10:30 PM
You can do like most people do and ignore the kids that like to troll other players.
02-13-2016, 12:51 AM
Nah man that's accepting the punishment no worries I'll be sure to tell my buddies to stop playing on this sever because the admin thinks it's ok to not ban the other guy no worries. Enjoy being a fag admin
02-13-2016, 06:44 AM
Enjoy being a fag admin
Ya, he's innocent.
02-13-2016, 07:05 AM
And to think we were discussing the ban to remove it.
Make sure you also tell your buddies that you acted like a 5 year old on the forums as well.
I think you need to mature a little bit more before you deal with the general population.
Learn to ignore kids that are calling you names would be a good place to start.
Enjoy telling everyone we banned you. :)
02-13-2016, 04:16 PM
Meet up admin im in chicago, lets see how tough you are. Supporting the fag that started the racists shit yeah real fair assholes. Fuck the sever There are plenty of others, hahaha faggets get a life
02-13-2016, 04:18 PM
My buddies seen the forum, one of them has over 200k subs on youtube we will be sure to let our viewers know how much this sever sucks :)
02-13-2016, 04:33 PM
The next time someone calls you a fagget admin, I want you to go hug then and say its true, okay take your own advice
02-13-2016, 04:59 PM
Then why are you on this forum crying over a ban?
It's very oblivious you are still a child.
Come back after you have grown up more.
Thanks for your kind and childish words kiddo.
See ya later,
02-15-2016, 02:12 PM
My buddies seen the forum, one of them has over 200k subs on youtube we will be sure to let our viewers know how much this sever sucks
Ya well, we have over 1000 players join our server everyday and they already know how much this server sucks.
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