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View Full Version : Xbox head promises update on future of Xbox next week amid exclusivity rumors

02-05-2024, 03:40 PM

It didn't take long for the Head of Xbox, Phil Spencer, to respond to the latest rumors (https://www.destructoid.com/reports-suggest-xbox-could-put-some-major-games-on-playstation/). Those looking for an immediate conclusion will have to wait a little longer, however. According to Spencer, a business update event is planned for next week which is where Xbox will share more details about its vision and future.


"We're listening and we hear you. We've been planning a business update event for next week, where we look forward to sharing more details with you about our vision for the future of Xbox. Stay tuned."
- Phil Spencer, Head of Xbox

So we now know that more info is coming soon, but that's about it. I will say however that this statement isn't a denial, which I'm sure some could argue is an answer in itself.

Xbox Fans seem to be a bit scattered based on the comments in Phil's Twitter thread, with some open to the idea of Xbox first-party titles coming to PlayStation, while others claim it will devalue what it means to be an Xbox player.

I obviously have no idea where this is going, but I certainly wouldn't be surprised if Xbox starts to shed its exclusivity of first-party titles. Like Giant Bomb's Jeff Grubb said (https://twitter.com/JeffGrubb/status/1754326219279958165), the console war is over. At this point, Xbox and by extension, Microsoft is going to look to make money where it can. And with the PlayStation 5 recently reaching 50 million units sold (https://www.destructoid.com/playstation-5-surpasses-50-million-units-sold/), there are a lot of potential customers.

The post Xbox head promises update on future of Xbox next week amid exclusivity rumors (https://www.destructoid.com/xbox-head-promises-update-on-future-of-xbox-next-week-amid-exclusivity-rumors/) appeared first on Destructoid (https://www.destructoid.com).
