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View Full Version : Avowed spotlights the combat and intrigue it has in store for Fall 2024

01-18-2024, 03:00 PM

Xbox is laying out its road ahead with the Developer Direct 2024. Obsidian started the show today, sharing some new looks at Avowed as it heads for a Fall 2024 window.

Today, we got a deeper look at the first-person RPG from Obsidian Entertainment. Set in the same world as Pillars of Eternity, Eora, Avowed is a more action-oriented approach. And a decent chunk of the opening minutes of today's look covered the scrapping, from magic and swords to flintlock-style pistols. Heck, you can even wield a bunch of wands, if you want. More wands means more magic, after all.

We see some reptilian combatants wielding a breadth of equipment, including shields and ranged weapons. Obsidian says you'll be able to set loadouts for combat and swap between them, letting the player quickly swap around for whatever approach you need. It seems pretty customizable, though I'm not completely sold on it.

https://www.destructoid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Avowed-Xbox-Preview-2.jpg?w=640Image via Xbox

Part of Avowed also looks to involve some light mystery-solving. We see some segments of the player talking with various NPCs, trying to discern whether a private is telling the truth or lying, possibly even confronting him. Whatever the player chooses, consequences follow.

Fantasy lands await

We also got a look at the vistas and locales waiting in Avowed. There are lots of different biomes to explore, from forests to deserts, all falling under the general high fantasy umbrella.

As for news on a date, we just have the window of Fall 2024. It was good to see a little bit more of what Avowed has in store, though today's look didn't really hold surprises for those expecting a first-person fantasy RPG. I'm curious to see how Avowed will set itself apart when it arrives later on this year.

The post Avowed spotlights the combat and intrigue it has in store for Fall 2024 (https://www.destructoid.com/avowed-xbox-developer-direct-2024-gameplay-combat/) appeared first on Destructoid (https://www.destructoid.com).
