View Full Version : Gwent is releasing its final developer update, and handing balance to its players

10-18-2023, 07:09 PM

CD Projekt RED is following through on its promise to stop official support for Gwent this year, but not before releasing one last update. The company announced on Gwent's website (https://www.playgwent.com/en/news/49288/patch-notes-11-10) that a final update is coming, but the card game's future isn't ending.

Alongside the balance update is the inclusion of "Gwentfinity (https://www.destructoid.com/witcher-card-game-gwent-support-winding-down-gwenfinity/)," which hands balance to the player base. The feature's announcement came last year alongside Gwent's sunsetting, so it's something fans have expected.


Not all of Gwent will be in players' hands, as CD Projekt Red is employing a skeleton team to manage its infrastructure. This will ensure the game remains operational while keeping players generally in control.

How balance changes will work going forward is with the community-run Balance Council (https://www.playgwent.com/en/news/49294/balance-council-faq-what-is-it-how-to-use-it). Becoming a member involves being at Prestige 1 and Pro Rank for the season or winning 25 games in the season. These restrictions are to ensure eligible voters are community members deeply familiar with Gwent's meta.

Balance Council members will get to participate in monthly votes that potentially change a set number of cards. Restrictions include voting for up to three cards within certain brackets to ensure changes without breaking the game.

Beyond the newfound community control and some oversight from CD Projekt Red, Gwent will no longer see any new cards. This means any changes will be made with cards already implemented within the game.

Gwent's last update comes not too long after CD Projekt Red announced it is laying off around nine percent (https://www.destructoid.com/cd-projekt-red-is-laying-off-roughly-nine-percent-of-its-staff/) of its staff. Hopefully, all affected can find new workplaces and any remaining staff can effectively manage Gwent's community.

The post Gwent is releasing its final developer update, and handing balance to its players (https://www.destructoid.com/gwent-is-releasing-its-final-developer-update-and-handing-balance-to-its-players/) appeared first on Destructoid (https://www.destructoid.com).
