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View Full Version : River City: Rival Showdown readies for return in packed introduction trailer

09-15-2023, 09:55 PM

Originally released for 3DS in 2016, River City: Rival Showdown was announced (https://www.destructoid.com/river-city-rival-showdown-is-coming-to-new-platforms/) for additional platforms in July. Now Arc System Works is back with a lengthy trailer that introduces the updated beat 'em up and its features.

First up is the revamped story, which has you seeking the truth behind everything that's amiss in River City. Over the course of three days, you can freely explore and investigate from 3:00pm to 11:00pm. Run around town, get into trouble, and hit up the arcade along the way. Be sure to chat up with the locals to get the dirt on all the sinister plots unfolding behind the scenes.

The Four Kings of Reiho Academy lurk behind this beefy drama. Kinoshita, Taira, Mochizuki, and the kingpin Kobayashi lead the charge of countless bullies that'll be on the receiving end of your Ultra Moves. See a bunch of those flying fists at work and get a closer look at multiplayer and more in the trailer below.


Branching brawlers

Choices made in the story will ultimately impact how River City: Rival Showdown plays out. Whatever ending you may get, completing Story Mode will unlock River City: Yamada's Side. This mode puts players in control of Dark Lord Yamada, revealing how he got his powers and ventured down the path of evil. There's also the brand new Riki's Story, which puts the spotlight on Kunio's rival. It's described as a "savory River City side story worth seeing," and if that ain't a selling point I don't know what is. You can access Riki's Story from the beginning if you have save data for River City Saga: Three Kingdoms (https://www.destructoid.com/river-city-saga-three-kingdoms-river-city-girls-kyoko-misako/).

https://www.destructoid.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/river-city-rival-showdown2.jpg?w=640Screenshot via Arc System Works

The exhaustive showcase closes out with a preview of 2D fighting game mode Double Dragon Duel 2023. 14 playable characters are available in this straightforward fighter that has you attempting to emerge as tournament champion. Next stop, EVO, because this mode supports online competitive play. All of this madness comes together when River City: Rival Showdown hits Switch, PC, and Playstation platforms on October 12.

The post River City: Rival Showdown readies for return in packed introduction trailer (https://www.destructoid.com/river-city-rival-showdown-readies-for-return-in-packed-introduction-trailer/) appeared first on Destructoid (https://www.destructoid.com).
