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View Full Version : Doom 2 will be getting a 3D voxel mod in August

07-25-2023, 11:22 AM
It's gratifying to know that the FPS genre (https://www.destructoid.com/best-fps-games-to-play-in-2023/) is still going strong. However, these whippersnappers wouldn't be anywhere without the granddaddy of all shooters that is the original Doom from 1993. The following year saw the release of a sequel, Doom II, which was equally impactful. So much so that people are still making mods for the game.
This one from Cheello is rather special indeed. While it's not out yet, their Voxel Doom 2 project is just around the corner. It may not look like much at a cursory glance, but it'll bring a more modern element to the iconic game without losing that original spark.
As the name suggests, this upcoming mod will implement 3D voxels into Doom 2. Specifically, enemies, weapons, and items are being swapped out for three-dimensional models. A recent trailer (with a kickass soundtrack to boot) shows that it's going to be releasing on August 1. You can also check out some additional content on Cheello's Twitter (https://twitter.com/DanielWienerson), as well as support them via their Patreon page (https://www.patreon.com/cheello_art/about).
The legacy continuesLook, if you've played Doom, chances are you've come across some mods in the past. Even if you haven't played any of them, you can appreciate that a series almost 30 years old still getting love and attention is quite something.
With the recent Myhouse.wad map (https://www.destructoid.com/dooms-myhouse-wad-is-one-of-gamings-greatest-literary-adaptations/) craze, not to mention scientists now looking to grow neurons that could potentially play Doom (https://www.destructoid.com/scientists-are-trying-to-grow-neurons-that-can-play-doom/), id Software's iconic FPS is a legendary part of video game history.
No matter which Doom you think is the best (https://www.destructoid.com/best-doom-games-ranked/), the franchise will stay in the limelight so long as people like Cheello continue to tweak the formula and improve on the OG releases.
The post Doom 2 will be getting a 3D voxel mod in August (https://www.destructoid.com/doom-2-will-be-getting-a-3d-voxel-mod-in-august/) appeared first on Destructoid (https://www.destructoid.com).
