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View Full Version : The latest LEGO gaming set might give you a case of Pac-Man Fever

05-22-2023, 10:19 AM
It's working! Victory is assured. My retirement tomorrow will be all the sweeter.LEGO certainly hit the gold mine when it realized there are tens of thousands, if not millions, of childless man-children like myself with disposable income who'd rather spend their money on toys than whatever adults our age spent their money on in the past. Drugs, probably. Over the past few years, we've seen several sets from the company aimed squarely at the young Gen-X/old Millenial crowd. Sets like the LEGO NES (https://www.destructoid.com/got-five-minutes-watch-us-put-together-the-lego-nes-set/), the LEGO Atari 2600, the LEGO Optimus Prime, and that $500 Lord of the Rings Rivendell set (https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/the-lord-of-the-rings-rivendell-10316). Even the classic LEGO Death Star sets didn't reach that high in price. Now, we get about one or two a year that cost that or more. The new LEGO Pac-Man Arcade won't set you back as much as a trip to Rivendell, but it'll still cost you more than a few quarters.
Following the NES and the Atari 2600, LEGO has announced the classic Pac-Man arcade will be the next '80s arcade gaming device to get the LEGO brick treatment. The set is a miniature version of the countertop cabinet, complete with a joystick, a quarter slot that lights up, and an even smaller version of the original cabinet for the included Minifigure. To add a level of interactivity, the set also features a hand crank that will move Pac-Man and the ghosts on the cabinet screen.
I would have much preferred a Ms. Pac-Man set, but I think this one is cool enough for me to add to my collection of unopened LEGO sets that I don't have any room to display. If you've got a pocket full of quarters and are heading to the arcade, you can get the LEGO Pac-Man Arcade starting June 4, 2023, for $269.99.
The post The latest LEGO gaming set might give you a case of Pac-Man Fever (https://www.destructoid.com/lego-pac-man-arcade-set-revealed-trailer/) appeared first on Destructoid (https://www.destructoid.com).
