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View Full Version : Sony is acquiring Firewalk Studios

04-20-2023, 01:10 PM
A new developer is set to join PlayStation StudiosSony is adding another studio the the PlayStation Studios lineup. Today, the publisher announced it is acquiring Firewalk Studios.
In 2021, Sony had confirmed (https://blog.playstation.com/2021/04/22/playstation-and-firewalk-studios-announce-publishing-partnership-for-a-new-original-multiplayer-ip/) it was partnering with both Firewalk and ProbablyMonsters for its new, original multiplayer game. Today, PlayStation is expanding its partnership by bringing Firewalk under the PlayStation banner.
Head of PlayStation Studios Hermen Hulst wrote the following in a PlayStation blog (https://blog.playstation.com/2023/04/20/welcoming-firewalk-studios-to-the-playstation-studios-family/), announcing the move:

"Since announcing our publishing partnership with ProbablyMonsters and Firewalk in 2021, we continue to be impressed by the team?s ambitions to build a modern multiplayer game that connects players in new and innovative ways. The studio shares our passion for creating inspiring worlds grounded in exceptional gameplay, and we want to continue to invest in their mission. We?re excited for Firewalk to bring their technical and creative expertise to PlayStation Studios to help grow our live service operations and deliver something truly special for gamers."
Firewalk with SonyThere's not much info to go on, as to what Firewalk is actually working on. The studio was formed in 2018 as part of ProbablyMonsters, and is working on a AAA multiplayer game. It's got some industry veterans behind it, including former Bungie devs Tony Hsu and Ryan Ellis. Via GamesIndustry.biz (https://www.gamesindustry.biz/playstation-to-acquire-aaa-multiplayer-developer-firewalk-studios), this acquisition will see Firewalk separate from ProbablyMonsters.
"We?ve assembled some of the most inspired talent in the industry to deliver awe-inspiring new worlds and experiences filled with great core gameplay," Hsu and Ellis said in today's announcement. "The excitement of building something new for players has thoroughly energized the team and our partners, and we?ve been playtesting every day."
This is another live service acquisition for Sony, adding on to its pick-ups of Bungie (https://www.destructoid.com/sony-closes-deal-to-acquire-bungie-industry-news/) and Haven Studios (https://www.destructoid.com/sony-buying-jade-raymond-haven-studios-playstation/).
The post Sony is acquiring Firewalk Studios (https://www.destructoid.com/sony-is-acquiring-firewalk-studios-industry-news/) appeared first on Destructoid (https://www.destructoid.com).
