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View Full Version : Retro-styled FPS Fortune?s Run combos Early Access September 2023

03-21-2023, 12:50 PM
Can you hack the Gibson?Team Fortune has announced that their anticipated retro-styled first-person shooter, Fortune?s Run, will begin its sprint on Early Access starting in September 2023. While a demo of the game has been available since September 2022, the team is ready to take the next step in offering it to FPS fans.
Inspired by E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy and Deus Ex, Fortune?s Run incorporates ?undertones? of role-playing. To differentiate itself from other retro-styled FPS games, Fortune?s Run touts a unique and deep melee system that has you memorizing combos and learning their intricacies. The game will take you through ?seedy dives? and distant space stations. The trailer also shows off a lot of environmental hazards to take down enemies with, inviting you to "kill with your imagination."
Most importantly to me, the trailer touts that you can ?hack a mainframe? using terminal commands. Terminal commands make me feel like a boss (https://www.destructoid.com/reviews/review-quadrilateral-cowboy/). Every modern console should make you jam some esoteric code into a command line to start up your games, just for that shot of accomplishment serotonin.
The retro-inspired shooter genre has become rather glutted these days, making it really important to stand out from the crowd. Fortune?s Run looks to be doing just that by wearing its influences on its sleeve while still bringing a heavy dose of personality and experimentation. Down with texture filtering. A hail the grainy, pixellated textures!
A demo for Fortune?s Run is available now, with the game slated for Steam Early Access (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1692240/Fortunes_Run/) in September.
The post Retro-styled FPS Fortune’s Run combos Early Access September 2023 (https://www.destructoid.com/retro-styled-fps-fortunes-run-combos-early-access-september-2023/) appeared first on Destructoid (https://www.destructoid.com).
