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View Full Version : Forspoken demo reportedly coming to PlayStation very soon

12-08-2022, 08:16 AM
Load up on CuffsAs is often the case in the lead-up to The Game Awards, several rumors and leaks are floating around the information superhighway ahead of Keighley's grand festivities ? Case in point: a tweet published by the Japanese PlayStation Twitter, pointing to an incoming demo for Square Enix adventure Forspoken. (https://www.destructoid.com/square-enix-forspoken-preview-still-gorgeous-but-worried-about-narrative/)
The (now deleted) tweet sported some attractive new splash art, emblazoned with the words "Demo Announcement Trailer". The sudden removal of the tweet suggests that said video is cued to play during tonight's live TGA presentation. The deleted tweet also referenced an 11-minute Forspoken gameplay showcase, which will likely be hosted on the official PlayStation YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@PlayStation) channel tomorrow, December 9, as part of Forspoken's continuing "Deep Dive" video series.
While Forspoken has had something of an inauspicious start, with online jokesters (https://www.destructoid.com/the-forspoken-talking-to-a-cuff-parody-trailer-solid-snake-edition/) mocking its marketing strategy and critics raising an eyebrow at some admittedly foolish PR speak, I personally think that Forspoken is an attractive title with potential. A 2023 GOTY contender? maybe not, but it could certainly prove a fun way to kick off 2023's gaming year (https://www.destructoid.com/forspoken-trailer-deep-dive-athia-flying-cats-ps5-pc/). No doubt Square Enix hopes that allowing players to get their hands on a playable build, giving them the opportunity to explore Athia and meet hero Frey Holland ? will help turn around some of this early cynicism ahead of the title's impending release.
Forspoken launches January 24 on PS5 and PC.
The post Forspoken demo reportedly coming to PlayStation very soon (https://www.destructoid.com/forspoken-demo-leak-playstation-square-enix-game-awards/) appeared first on Destructoid (https://www.destructoid.com).
