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View Full Version : YouTube skit recreates an average morning in Harvest Moon

12-01-2022, 12:44 PM
Harvest McDoomWhile "cozy" games are all the rage on the indie scene these days, perhaps one of the gold standards for relaxing, casual-grind-based gameplay is Natsume's iconic farming series, Harvest Moon ? And the franchise seems to have had something of a strange effect on YouTuber Cloudie McDoom (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8pCxPlryaI), who woke up yesterday morning to find themselves occupying a live-action recreation of the beloved franchise.
Whilst I won't spoil the work that has gone into this short, but authentic take on Harvest Moon's hard-working world, Cloudie's video raises more than a few smiles thanks to its U.I implementation, use of flailing limbs and stop-start photography to truly capture gaming's classic "zero-turning-circle" animation style. The sounds, music, and fade-outs only complete the effect.
There are no squawking chickens, fox attacks, or trips to the market, unfortunately, but I dig the real-life recreation of Harvest Moon's "square-by-square" gardening techniques. And if you enjoyed the Harvest Moon video, be sure to check out Cloudie McDoom's channel over on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8pCxPlryaI) for more parodies and recreations of classic video games.
The latest Harvest Moon title, Harvest Moon: One World (https://www.destructoid.com/harvest-moon-one-world-may-not-be-the-return-to-form-youre-hoping-for/), is available now on Nintendo Switch.
The post YouTube skit recreates an average morning in Harvest Moon (https://www.destructoid.com/harvest-moon-real-life-live-action-skit-cloudie-mcdoom/) appeared first on Destructoid (https://www.destructoid.com).
