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View Full Version : In Sonic Frontiers, Super Sonic is a boss mechanic

11-10-2022, 04:17 AM
It was teased in a trailer, and now we know the detailsBack at TGS a few months ago, we learned that Super Sonic would be making a predictable appearance in Sonic Frontiers. (https://www.destructoid.com/sonic-frontiers-super-sonic-trailer-confirmation/) But now that we have access the game itself, we know exactly how that plays out: via boss battles.
So Sonic Frontiers is broken up with three main hub islands, which are all mini sandboxes of sorts. They have their own currency, their own collectibles, and unique levels/bosses. Your job is to collect gears, which unlock levels, which unlock keys; then collect emeralds and other bobbles that eventually unlock a boss. It's a lot of unlocking.
It's here, in these bigger higher-stakes confrontations, that you'll be able to morph into Super Sonic to fight. The catch is that generally, you have a limited time to be Super Sonic, and if you run out of time (denoted by rings, which count down), you'll be squashed by the boss.
Here's a few quick tips for playing as Super Sonic and fighting bosses in Sonic Frontiers:

Go into each boss battle with as many rings as possible. You'll want to get a handle on the first boss with roughly 150-200 rings.
If you don't have enough or find yourself constantly dying, you can quit, and load your auto-save to restart right outside of the boss arena.
You're always hovering as Super Sonic, so you can use the L2/LT rapid-fire kick ability constantly to your advantage without stopping/touching the ground.
As soon as an enemy draws back to strike you, hold L1+R1/LB+RB at the same time to parry, then counter-attack when the in-game prompt pops up on the screen. It's one of the easiest ways to deal chunks of boss damage.

The post In Sonic Frontiers, Super Sonic is a boss mechanic (https://www.destructoid.com/in-sonic-frontiers-super-sonic-is-a-boss-mechanic/) appeared first on Destructoid (https://www.destructoid.com).
