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View Full Version : Human: Fall Flat has a new Tower level to fumble through with friends

09-23-2022, 09:07 PM
Don't panic, but the floor *is* lavaIt's a great feeling to be the good-news bearer when one of your favorite co-op games (https://www.destructoid.com/nintendo-switch-couch-co-op-underrated-games-you-missed-list/) gets new content and you get to excitedly tell your partner all about it. For those of us who like the puzzle-platformer antics of Human: Fall Flat, there's a new level, Tower, out now on Steam (https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/477160/view/3296095337774150111). Including the original and post-launch stages, it's the 21st level.
The name speaks for itself. With such a precarious layout, I'm afraid of my pudgy boy plummeting to his doom, but at least Human: Fall Flat is generous with checkpoints.
"Dreamed up by creative mastermind Fennecai and brought to life by the fiendishly talented David," Tower is the winner of the game's 5th Anniversary level design competition. And right on cue, Curve Games says there is "still more to come."
As usual, console players have to waitUnfortunately, the console versions aren't in sync with the Steam edition, so PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch players will have to wait to play the Tower level in Human: Fall Flat. That said, if it's been a while, you might have new-to-you levels ready to go.
I recently checked back in and found a couple of levels ? Red Rock (https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/477160/view/3119311930174585708) and Lumber (https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/477160/view/3090026481854611419) ? in our backlog. We blasted through them. Even with overlapping ideas, I'm still having fun.
With 30 million copies sold and more content updates lined up, I'm wondering when, if ever, we'll see a sequel. I'm pretty happy with the split-screen performance on a PS5, but it would be nice to see an overhauled sequel that feels more refined. Just a bit.
For now, they're squeezing every last drop ? and I'm okay with it.
The post Human: Fall Flat has a new Tower level to fumble through with friends (https://www.destructoid.com/human-fall-flat-tower-level-update-released-pc-steam-consoles-later/) appeared first on Destructoid (https://www.destructoid.com).
