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View Full Version : BioShock is unplayable for Linux users with new update

09-06-2022, 06:21 PM
We don't want it, 2KFifteen years later (https://www.destructoid.com/happy-15th-anniversary-bioshock/), BioShock remains one of the most recognizable and beloved series in gaming, and publisher 2K is still releasing updates (https://www.destructoid.com/bioshock-infinite-mysteriously-getting-updates-nine-years-after-its-release/) to support the series. Or, more specifically, to make the games run through their own launcher, as evidenced by the patch notes (https://steamcommunity.com/games/BioShockInfinite/announcements/detail/3335500006865769805) from both older updates and a new one (via PC Gamer (https://www.pcgamer.com/2ks-quality-of-life-change-for-bioshock-is-that-linux-users-cant-play-it-anymore/)). This time around they even labeled the patch as a "Quality of Life Update," when all it did was enable linking to 2K accounts and added the new launcher "which includes a store to purchase new content."
So they're forcing yet another game launcher on us, but what really has fans peeved is that this new update has rendered the games unplayable for players running them on Linux. At first, it seemed to just be BioShock Infinite that was affected, but now it's looking like the entire series is a bust. The Linux Gaming subreddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/x4o1tm/steam_bioshock_series_quality_of_life_update_adds/) is full of players decrying the changes, and trying to find solutions to fix the problem. Some players are expressing their wish that Steam would let them access earlier builds rather than forcing them to use the most recent version, and I'm kind of surprised that wasn't an option already.
Naturally, fans took to the review section on Steam (https://store.steampowered.com/app/409710/BioShock_Remastered/) to voice their discontent, where one user said that 2K's launcher is riddled with bugs, crashes, and corrupted saves.
I have my BioShock collection on my PlayStation so I'm in the clear, but man, I am feeling the frustration on behalf of PC gamers. Here's hoping that 2K gets the message soon and decides to scrap the launcher altogether, or at the very least releases a patch to fix the games for Linux users.
Recently I've been partial to arguments about why it's important to own physical media, and I have to say this situation is only pushing me further into that camp. If I spent money on a game, I certainly want to be able to play it without the meddling of a company years after the game's release.
The post BioShock is unplayable for Linux users with new update (https://www.destructoid.com/bioshock-unplayable-linux-users-new-quality-of-life-update/) appeared first on Destructoid (https://www.destructoid.com).
