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View Full Version : Everything that happened at the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Nintendo Direct

06-22-2022, 08:23 AM
There will be light Direct-related spoilers belowIt's time for the Xenoblade Chronicles Direct (https://www.destructoid.com/a-xenoblade-chronicles-3-nintendo-direct-is-coming-on-june-22/)! The third entry is getting an in-depth stream today, and we're going to recap it all.
Spoiler shield in case you want to go in blind!
We got some more story bitsThe Direct kicked off with a trailer, which provided a brief look at the cabal-like group that is seemingly the antagonist faction. Then it immediately led into a crucial story bit: "terms." 10 years is a "term" of life in which some "fight continually" as soldiers, then die. So like Clone troopers from Star Wars! All of this was accompanied by a lovely vocal ballad, which just goes to show us that the soundtrack will continue to kick ass (https://www.destructoid.com/listen-to-new-xenoblade-chronicles-3-song/).
A narrator then re-iterated the basic premise of the conflict of Keves and Agnus, and how the 'main" party members are comprised from both of these factions (three from each), brought together by a "mysterious figure." Now they're fugitives as they begin their journey. Here they are!

Noah (Keves)
Eunie (Keves)
Lanz (Keves)
Mio (Agnus)
Taion (Agnus)
Sena (Agnus)

Of course, there's more (https://www.destructoid.com/xenoblade-chronicles-3-zeon-looks-like-a-blast-to-play/)!
The Direct showcased a lot of the game's world and what you can do in towns or rest spotsThe stream then shifted into an exploration of the game's locales, showing off some of the zones (and roaming elites), as well as conflicts you can wander into involving Keves and Agnus. Towns are in the form of "colonies," providing shopping, dining, and story opportunities.
Rest spots will let you cook, craft gems, and "discuss the world." You can find a bit of that in the gallery below.
[gallery link="file" ids="331172,331173,331174,331175"]
A few quality of life features were discussed"Quest routes" (visual breadcrumb trails that show where you need to go next), fast-travel, and quick time-of-day changes via menus (which let you find mechanics that involve "specific times") are all in.
The full Xenoblade Chronicles Direct (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0L-VW-7dJds):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0L-VW-7dJds
The post Everything that happened at the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Nintendo Direct (https://www.destructoid.com/everything-that-happened-at-the-xenoblade-chronicles-3-nintendo-direct/) appeared first on Destructoid (https://www.destructoid.com).
