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View Full Version : Xbox is hosting an extended games showcase on June 14

06-06-2022, 04:43 PM
Keep the showcase train rolling Xbox is hosting not one, but two showcases over the next week or so. While the Xbox and Bethesda Showcase airs on June 12, an Xbox Games Showcase Extended will air on June 14.
This bonus showcase will feature some new trailers and deeper looks at the news from the preceding Games Showcase. Developers and game creators will appear on the stream too. It'll last about 90 minutes, airing at 10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/Xbox), YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/user/xbox/hub), and other major streaming platforms.
The Xbox Games Showcase Extended will air in English, Latin America Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, German, and French. Audio Descriptions and American Sign Language will also be available live.
The Xbox and Bethesda showcase (https://www.destructoid.com/the-microsoft-and-bethesda-e3-but-not-e3-showcase-is-june-12/) is airing at 10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET on June 12, and is expected to contain info about the lineup coming to both Xbox and PC, as well as some updates on Game Pass.
The show goes on This extension now brings the end of the summer showcase streaming out from Sunday and into Tuesday. That said, for Xbox fans, it's a good sign they'll be seeing some more of the games talked about at the Xbox and Bethesda presser.
With both Starfield and Redfall slipping out to 2023 (https://www.destructoid.com/starfield-delayed-redfall-delay-2023-bethesda-arkane/), it'll be interesting to see what ends up populating the showcase Microsoft over these two days. Even if the games have moved forward, I'm hopeful there will be some news to share either way.
There are also some big titles we haven't heard from in a while, like the upcoming Fable (https://www.destructoid.com/fable-closed-out-the-xbox-games-showcase/)and Senua's Saga: Hellblade II (https://www.destructoid.com/senuas-saga-hellblade-ii-gameplay-trailer-game-awards-ninja-theory/). And other studios at Microsoft have been quiet for a little while now too. Maybe we even hear some more about that Indiana Jones project (https://www.destructoid.com/machinegames-indiana-jones-bethesda-e3-new-information/)?
We'll see what Xbox, Bethesda, and the many Xbox studios have in the works on both June 12 and June 14.
The post Xbox is hosting an extended games showcase on June 14 (https://www.destructoid.com/xbox-games-showcase-extended-june-news-trailers-interviews-stream/) appeared first on Destructoid (https://www.destructoid.com).
