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View Full Version : Tarsier Studios teases its next game after Little Nightmares II

05-26-2022, 12:33 AM
It's time for a vibe checkOver the years, Tarsier Studios has become one of those predictably unpredictable game makers that I'm always eager to check in on. The Malm?, Sweden-based studio has been quiet since wrapping up Little Nightmares II (https://www.destructoid.com/reviews/review-little-nightmares-ii/) for Bandai Namco (which may or may not continue the series elsewhere (https://www.ign.com/articles/little-nightmares-creator-confirms-its-done-with-the-series-but-namco-could-carry-it-on-regardless), given all of its success), but we're expecting new IPs.
This week on Twitter, Tarsier Studios shared a new teaser video with a coy message: "We've been busy." Presumably, it's a vibe check for the next big game idea.
While I'm not exactly sure how to classify the blink-and-you'll-miss-'em clips, the visual concepts are dark and intriguing in a very Tarsier way. I'm sticking with the "Horror" tag for this article, and we'll have to check back someday to see if that was apt.
Aside from Little Nightmares, the team also brought us The Stretchers (https://www.destructoid.com/reviews/review-the-stretchers/) on Switch, Tearaway Unfolded (https://www.destructoid.com/tearaway-unfolded-faithfully-breaks-the-dualshock-4th-wall/) on PS4, and Statik (https://www.destructoid.com/reviews/review-statik/) ? one of my all-time favorite PlayStation VR games.
Worth reiterating: Bandai Namco owns the Little Nightmares IP, not TarsierRecently, Tarsier Studios posted a listing for a lead game designer role (https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3089598150/), and there's a little more context about what's in store and what their goals are. In the job listing, the "mid-size" studio said it was currently "in the process of creating two new games."

"At this moment in time, we are not ready to say what the games are or what genre they will be in. HOWEVER what we can tell you is that standards are incredibly high and promise that you will be making world class games.
"We want to believe in the worlds we create. Our games should feel authentic, fearless, imaginative, and memorable; forging a connection between the player and the game that leaves a lasting impression ... or a permanent scar. We do that by marrying artistically mesmerizing worlds, stories and characters that you relate to with mechanics that amplifies the intended emotion and stories we want to tell. Worlds that you?ve never experienced before yet care about and get affected by."
https://d23gn3985hkc32.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Tarsier-Studios-new-game-house-teaser-art-1024x1020.jpg More artwork from the teaser video.
Other job postings (https://career.tarsier.se/jobs) on the studio's website reference a "new franchise following in the footsteps of award-winning Little Nightmares."
If you missed it, Embracer Group (which owns so much (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embracer_Group)) picked up Tarsier Studios in 2019. Generally, I hope Tarsier can continue to do its thing for many years, and that Bandai Namco (https://embracer.com/release/embracer-group-acquires-critically-acclaimed-tarsier-studios/) can tap another studio to potentially continue the Little Nightmares series.
New entries from different creators can be a dicey prospect, but I'm not outright opposed to the idea if there's a good fit. Whether it's a whole new concept or a spiritual sequel sorta deal, either way, I'll take more spooky adventures any chance I can get.
The post Tarsier Studios teases its next game after Little Nightmares II (https://www.destructoid.com/tarsier-studios-teases-next-game-after-little-nightmares-ii/) appeared first on Destructoid (https://www.destructoid.com).
