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View Full Version : PC Build Suggestions: Budget at $850

03-13-2015, 12:06 AM
So the PC I currently have is on its last leg and I am going to start planning for a new build, any and every suggestion will help! I have a new 850 Watt power supply and a 1 TB Seagate hard drive in which both are new and unused (not figured into budgeted amount). I prefer an ATX motherboard, although it doesn't really matter, because I found a pretty cool case that I plan on getting on Saturday.

Feel free to comment or talk to me about it on TS. Each part will be bought every two weeks as well.
Also, I will be inactive for the next week and a half starting sometime Sunday/Monday!


03-13-2015, 10:31 PM

check this out, same as my build. You have higer PSU and Storage than mine :( lucky. I love this build, you would like it too.

03-14-2015, 06:43 AM
Here is some of my build. Might be more than you are willing to spend.
Just make sure you get a pretty good video card. :)


03-14-2015, 04:50 PM
Here is some of my build. Might be more than you are willing to spend.
Just make sure you get a pretty good video card. :)


That is really sexy pc build.

03-16-2015, 01:50 PM
When I bought my system a few years ago (has it been 4 years already? 5 years?) I spent more than that on a 60 GB SSD. Glad to see prices getting more reasonable.

My question is this: On a 4 year old system, do I need to start fresh? Or can I recycle the power supply, case, and motherboard?
Best I can recollect, I have an 850W PS, Intel i5-3770 (w/liquid cooling), Asus MB, and 560-GT video. My system was built by Digital Storm, and I consider it a good quality computer.

03-16-2015, 06:57 PM
When I bought my system a few years ago (has it been 4 years already? 5 years?) I spent more than that on a 60 GB SSD. Glad to see prices getting more reasonable.

My question is this: On a 4 year old system, do I need to start fresh? Or can I recycle the power supply, case, and motherboard?
Best I can recollect, I have an 850W PS, Intel i5-3770 (w/liquid cooling), Asus MB, and 560-GT video. My system was built by Digital Storm, and I consider it a good quality computer.

Maybe just upgrade the video card.

03-18-2015, 12:52 PM
Maybe just upgrade the video card.

recommendations, anyone? I'd like to keep it $600 or less. Bear in mind I only have a 850 watt PS.