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View Full Version : votekick abuser - gyull

06-18-2017, 07:05 PM
i'm kicked by gyull's Squad
they continuously said that i'm hacker.
They seemed to enjoy it....
He didn't stop when I warned him.
i said that i'm not hacker over and over.

there is a little change "korean monkey" to "votekick"
wow...gyull...r u kid??

A deliberate votekick is not helpful to the server.
He is likely to continue doing this.
I just want to play games quietly.

ban him plz

06-19-2017, 11:34 AM
I do not mind dealing with players breaking the rules using racism on the server. On the other hand.....
I am not going to babysit the server and tell players not to use the chat to try to get under players skin. It's part of the game.

It's a public server that players come to game, rage or what ever makes them feel better.(within the rule limits)
I've seen you play on the server and your game play is above average.
So if you think I'm gonna sit here and tell others players not to upset you then you have a rude awakening coming.
Maybe you should try to turn off chat if you are that sensitive to it.

The voteban/kick is on the server for a reason.

A deliberate votekick is not helpful to the server.

You'd be surprised on how helpful it is. :)


06-23-2017, 05:59 PM
www.kleenex.com is my fave site for these kinda issues ruk <3

06-23-2017, 07:08 PM

06-24-2017, 02:33 AM
I do not mind dealing with players breaking the rules using racism on the server. On the other hand.....
I am not going to babysit the server and tell players not to use the chat to try to get under players skin. It's part of the game.

It's a public server that players come to game, rage or what ever makes them feel better.(within the rule limits)
I've seen you play on the server and your game play is above average.
So if you think I'm gonna sit here and tell others players not to upset you then you have a rude awakening coming.
Maybe you should try to turn off chat if you are that sensitive to it.

The voteban/kick is on the server for a reason.

You'd be surprised on how helpful it is. :)


I get where you are coming from! These are something common in game servers. But I don't think Gyull belongs in the 'something common' zone here. He continuously crosses boundaries and attacks players personally ALL THE TIME! Raging out is one thing, but what he does is beyond that. After the previous warning you gave him, I thought it would be okay. I stopped responding to him all together in the chats. Yet, he provokes me often! He uses demeaning terms in chat if he happens to kill me in the game.

I have stopped playing here for a week and a half now! Given that more players are agitated by the acts of a single player, as an admin, you should take efforts to make the game play good for everyone. You tried your best to warn him. I don't get why you won't place a temporary ban for the least!

06-24-2017, 08:39 PM
"needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few"
its 1 person that gets banned not 100

maybe close to that number if u hax

06-26-2017, 01:19 AM
they continuously said that i'm hacker.
They seemed to enjoy it....

He didn't stop when I warned him.

i said that i'm not hacker over and over.

And herein lays the answer to your request...
"They seemed to enjoy" your responding to the nackusations... so don't respond.
Giving oxygen to this sort of crap just feeds the trolls and makes them hungrier, i.e. it lets them know that they're getting under your skin and encourages them to greater levels.

As far as the comment
"needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few"
I totally agree and I'm glad that Rukus & Chicago seem to get the balance right between the needs of many and the squealing from the few vocal ass-hurt bitches that seem to be the only constant on this and other bs ban requests here and in-game.
Kenlocked & gen-rampage you 2 really need to consider Valium or something guys/gals as the salt I've witnessed in-game from you 2 alone is starting to rust my guns <3

06-26-2017, 05:53 AM
Kenlocked & gen-rampage you 2 really need to consider Valium or something guys/gals as the salt I've witnessed in-game from you 2 alone is starting to rust my guns <3

Smarty pants! Being salty is different from being a constantly annoying person like Gyull! If multiple reports on the same player is BS according to you, I don't see the point in having this forum section labelled 'Report Disruptive Player' at all. This is here for a reason and we're having a discourse for a reason! Perhaps you could contribute nicely or stop whining about us being salty! I suggest you take that Diazepam yourself! :)

06-26-2017, 03:26 PM
OMG!! He came back with "Diazepam" i love this guy, i might just ban gyull based on that.

06-26-2017, 04:29 PM
This forum is here for this reason.
There are a few admins dealing with gyull trying to get him to calm down.
It takes time.

I will tell you this though, If gyull does not stop his shit he will be banned off this server...... AGAIN


06-29-2017, 08:12 PM
Was having a bit of a blast (c4 joke right there) on the server and Junglist starts a votekick on Gyull "cause he's a cunt" and your mr [XN]Gen-Rampage was the cheerleader urging on the votes for same reason...
It's a 2 sided thing, if you want Gyull to not be a dick maybe not being one to him in 1st place would be a start.

06-30-2017, 10:06 AM
how does one not be a dick to him? there is a hell of a lot you don't see in team chat. the only one that can see the shit in team chat would really be admins or team mates that are in that team. Also...... super annoying i know i try to motivate team and get the occasional cockblock in the door but rly? all you hear is nice nice nice nice nice nice lol lol lol lol lol wth wth wth wth you all know its true

06-30-2017, 01:16 PM
how does one not be a dick to him? there is a hell of a lot you don't see in team chat. the only one that can see the shit in team chat would really be admins or team mates that are in that team. Also...... super annoying i know i try to motivate team and get the occasional cockblock in the door but rly? all you hear is nice nice nice nice nice nice lol lol lol lol lol wth wth wth wth you all know its true

Seriously he says "nice?" in team chat.... OMG
yes I've been in same team as him.. because I rush (when not c4'n) I'm often in his squad...